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The Teacher's Pet (by Hedley Thomas)

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The Teacher's Pet

The Teacher's Pet
(by Hedley Thomas)


ISBN: 9781760784782

  •  2023 edition.   502 edition. 
  • Publisher.MacMillan
  • Softcover.  Photos. Timeline
  • Condition. Very good


If you thought you knew the story of The Teacher's Pet, get ready to be shocked.

Hedley Thomas takes you behind the scenes with a blow-by-blow account of one of the most intriguing and enduring murder mysteries of our time - the crime, the podcast investigation, the sexual exploitation of teenage students, the courtroom drama - and how justice was finally delivered.

Lynette Simms disappeared from Sydney's idyllic Northern Beaches in 1982 and was never seen again.

Lyn was a caring nurse, loving mother and devoted wife. Her husband Chris Dawson was a rugby league star, a popular teacher and exceptionally close to his identical twin brother, Paul.

But this facade of domestic bliss was shattered when Chris became infatuated with the family's babysitter - his 16-year-old student - a girl he moved into Lyn's home and bed just two days after her disappearance.

Thirty-six years later, investigative journalist Hedley Thomas revisited the story in a record-breaking podcast series that captured the unconditional support of Lyn's friends, colleagues, neighbours and family, and an international audience.

With fresh leads and old evidence resulting in a public groundswell for authorities to take action, Chris was arrested in late 2018 and after a dramatic trial was found guilty of murder in August 2022.

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